Friday, April 3, 2009

They had warned me about this...

No pictures for today since the day was a little interrupted by some of the typical tourists ailments we had been warned about. In between seeing the grand palace and the leaning Buddha (which was really awesome!) i managed to almost faint of dehydration and get pretty sick on our way back to the hotel. Needless to say, i was super relieved Matt was here to take care of me! Feeling much better after sleeping through mostof the afternoon and eating some "real" pad thai for dinner. We are still in high spirits though and are planning on visiting Bangkok's largest market tomorrow!

On m'avais prevenue qu'il faisait chaud et humide a Bangkok, mais je ne m'attendais pas a ce que ca ai un tel effet sure moi. Apres avoir assez mal dormit a cause du decallage horaire, nous etions decides a profiter de notre premiere journee en allant visiter le palais et les temples touristiques. malheuresement pour moi, aujourdh'ui a ete rythmee par un evanouissement sur le bateau de notre hotal au palais et un premiere crise d'estomac dans le taxi nous ramenant a notre hotel. j'ai appris ma lecon et me suis deja mis a boire (beaucoup) d'eau pour eviter d'etre deshydratee. j'espere que mon petit dejeuner demain n'aura pas le meme effet sur moi!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that does look really cool!!! Matt is quite the photo HAM-as usual-but I love it!!!Hopefully that will be the first and last illness for you both-was glad to hear you were well enough to have a good dinner.Stay well!!Miss you!!
